Shipping lines
7. December 2021

Interview with Zora Fialková Kosorinská

Ms. Zora Fialková Kosorinská is LPP‘s E-commerce Fulfillment Center manager with 11 years of experience in Logistics, specializing in International transport (export-import), Warehousing, E-commerce, B2B, and B2C. During the 11 years of her career, she has held various positions in Logistics as well as the E-commerce sector. Within the LPP Fulfillment Center Sereď, which Ms. Kosorinská co-created and manages for 2,5 years now, she is not only responsible for B2C, but also B2B: supply of LPP Slovakia stationary stores (Reserved, Sinsay, Mohito, Cropp, House), responsibility for Xdock operations, delivery to stores by “Night delivery” system and responsibility for the storage of seasonal goods from shops (deposit warehouse).

1. E-commerce sector is at an all-time high, as lockdowns and travel bans forced the consumer to shop online. How do you choose your strategic partners when it comes to the infrastructure, in order to provide the best possible customer experience?
My strategic partners have to be flexible when it comes to their capacity and capability of “adaptation to current trends”.  Our Fulfillment center’s core target is to deliver the order to the customers on a “Next business day” delivery logic. The E-commerce sector started rapidly growing and developing at each lockdown, so my strategic partner should have:
·       Dynamic, flexible manpower to be able to handle the warehousing
·       Dynamic fleet, including providing pick up and deliveries during weekend (using small vans)
·       The ability to deliver to pick – up points and boxes (p. ex. Z – box from Packeta / Zasilkovna)
·       Excellent system of driving reverse logistics so that the customer’s returns are processed within commited time
·       Have an excellent IT infrastructure so that the customer is informed about his / her order during all the stages of transport

2. Can you tell us some of the key solutions from LPP S.A. that help to improve conditions in the factories in Asia?
LPP S.A. is constantly improving the overall conditions and supporting the Asian textile producers. Key elements:
·       Supporting water management, electricity efficiency
·       The workers work with materials, that are certified and their chemical treatment is traceable
·       We are an active member of ZDHC programme to reduce the chemical footprint of this whole industry which also has an impact of the health of all parties involved
3. LPP S.A. has developed a sustainable development strategy for 2020-2025 called ‘For People For Our Planet’. Could you tell us more about it?
We are a company that has a long history of development. One of our priorities became the sustainability of our products, including:
·       “Eco Aware programme” – we care about the environment, so do our unique collections. The target is to reduce CO2
·       Our stores serve as a collection point for used clothes, we also invest in various textile waste disposal technologies
·       I am proud to be an active part of this initiative because in our Fulfillment center, we use packaging material that is recycled – both cardboard and polybags. As an addition, the price tags do not contain foil. Our common aim is to use 100% recycled consumables materials
·       Our new headquarters in Krakow, Poland successfully obtained BREEM certificate, so does our Sered site soon
·       The common company’s target in warehousing is to be fully powered with green energy in 2023
4. What will be the impact of Covid19 on the further development in your core business? Do you think the market, in which you operate, has changed dramatically?
The pandemic that started suddenly in 2020, had many impacts on our business. We had to adapt (taking into consideration our Fulfillment center became operational at the end of January 2020) very quickly to the market that drastically changed. People completely changed their behaviour and shopping habits, a substantial part of the customers of LPP went from brick&mortar to online. That was the time we started growing, operating in 5 European countries. During the Covid19 restrictions and lockdowns we often faced doubled amounts of customer’s orders as forecasted, so we had to work hard to keep up with the market and its conditions. Implementing “Next business day” delivery was a success thanks to which, we are still being successful and growing. We also implement an automation technology, which is improving our productivity so that we’ll be able to fulfill customer’s expectations in other countries, to approach other markets. Personally, I think that E-Commerce / Omnichannel is the presence and the future of fashion shopping.
5. What is your opinion on the location of the WOF EXPO 2021 in the Central and Eastern European region?  
I am very glad that there was a networking event held in CEE and I was a part of it! Slovakia is strategically located from the transport and warehousing point of view, our potential is fantastic.  I enjoyed sharing the know-how and all the discussions. I wish good luck to the WOF EXPO future events held.
LPP is a Polish family owned business founded in 1991. It covers 5 well-known brands: Reserved, Sinsay, Mohito, Cropp, House. It currently has more than 1,800 brick-and-mortar stores in 25 countries and is experiencing a huge online boom, with operations in 30 countries and keeps growing.