

Services, freight transport, logistics

  • Road transport companies
  • Forwarding agents
  • Railways
  • Combined transport organizations
  • Inland shipping companies
  • Ocean shipping lines, sea freight services
  • Inland ports
  • Maritime ports
  • Airlines
  • Airports
  • Services for the air-cargo industry
  • Express, parcel, postal and courier services
  • Special deliveries, same-day services
  • Heavy haulage, project cargo
  • Freight centers/terminal operators
  • Transshipment, warehouse and cargo handling companies
  • Packaging companies
  • Container hire and leasing companies
  • Pallet logistics, loading-equipment suppliers
  • Waste disposal logistics, recycling
  • E-commerce services, fulfilment
  • Logistics service providers

IT, telematics, e-business, telecommunications

  • Communications systems
  • Data-processing systems
  • E-commerce and e-business systems
  • Transport control and IT systems
  • Integrated traffic management systems (ITMS)

Equipment for freight transport

  • Road vehicles
  • Rail vehicles
  • Equipment for combined transport
  • Logistics equipment for ports and shipping
  • Logistics equipment for air freight
  • Pipeline transport and energy transport systems
  • Maintenance and repair
  • Filling-station equipment
  • Security systems, anti-theft protection
  • Cargo heating, transport refrigeration, and cold-chain management

Intralogistics, warehouse management systems, auto ID, packaging

  • Transport packaging, freight securing
  • Storage, conveying, and distribution equipment
  • Equipment for loading bays and terminals (interfaces between internal and external materials flow)

Services for the logistics industry

  • Charter brokers
  • General sales agents
  • Consulting, planning, logistics consulting
  • Organizations, trade associations, business development
  • Banks, insurance companies, customs, customs clearance
  • Leasing and rental companies
  • Personnel leasing, personnel service
  • Training for careers in transport and logistics
  • Filling-station credit cards, service cards, fuels, AdBlue technology
  • Infrastructure operators
  • Logistics real estate
  • Security services
  • Truck models, promotional items
  • Work clothing, equipment
  • Trade literature